NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

Code of Conduct

NAFTA provides guidelines to help its certified professionals maintain the highest levels of professional and ethical conduct. In doing so, NAFTA helps to ensure that all NAFTA-certified professionals provide high-quality services and experiences for all clients, colleagues, allied professionals, and the general public.

All NAFTA certified professionals and test candidates must be aware of and practice the following standards:

  • Provide appropriate instruction, ensuring safety and effectiveness of programs.
  • Maintain current certifications at all times, including cardiorespiratory resuscitation/automated external defibrillator (CPR/AED) certification and knowledge of basic first aid.
  • Represent one’s certifications or credentials with integrity.
  • Seek awareness and understanding of up-to-date research and implement it as appropriate.
  • Stay within one’s scope of practice as related to current certifications, and refer clients to qualified professionals when appropriate.
  • Engage in behavior and conduct which positively reflects on oneself, NAFTA, and the fitness industry in general.
  • Treat others respectfully and fairly.
  • Establish and keep clear professional boundaries.
  • Protect client confidentiality at all times.
  • Obey all applicable laws regarding business practices, employment, and intellectual property.

In addition, candidates and certificants must report any conviction of a felony. This must be reported to the Human Resource Director at . Reports of felonies will be reviewed under the disciplinary and complaints policy, on a case by case basis.

NAFTA will investigate any evidence which is brought before NAFTA that provides confirmation of potential or actual harm to public safety and/or the mental or physical well-being of another person. Investigation and disciplinary action will occur in compliance with the Certification Council’s Complaint and Disciplinary policy.

NAFTA may revoke or take other action against certificate holders in violation of these standards.

© 2024 National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association Academy