NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

The Secrets of Successful Time Management


2 Credits



The phone is ringing, your e-mail inbox continues to fill, and the stack of papers on your desk grows exponentially as the hours tick by. A sense of panic sets in as the overwhelming nature of your workday takes hold. Do you have the tools and techniques mastered for gaining control of your to-dos and maintaining your sanity in today's fast-paced business environment?

It's increasingly difficult to find down time in your day to catch up on your voicemails, e-mails, and paperwork. As soon as you finish a project, you receive immediate feedback on next steps and revisions. Coworkers and bosses are looking to you for help with their priorities NOW. As your to-do list grows, so does the clutter on your desk. If these situations sound familiar, you're in desperate need of simple solutions and successful strategies for prioritizing your deadlines and maximizing your effectiveness.


Time management isn't a skill you're born with — it's something any individual can learn and master with the right tools and strategies. From improving communication and streamlining workflow to identifying time-wasters and minimizing interruptions, there are numerous strategies for gaining more control over your tasks, time, and priorities than you ever thought possible.

Have you ever found yourself in the following situations?

  • You are working on a rush project for Boss One when Boss Two stops by with an assignment she needs completed "right this minute." You let her know that you’re on deadline for Boss One, but she tells you her project should take priority. At the same time, you're feeling the pressure build as you know your daily work continues to pile up.

  • A client stops by your office unexpectedly to sign a waiver. You know the waiver is somewhere at your desk, but the client's frustration builds and you begin desperately digging through piles of paperwork. He comments that his business must not be important to you if you can't even find his forms.

  • You arrive at work with your day planned and time allocated for all of your important tasks. Mid-morning, you get a phone call from a vendor that requires you to stop what you're working on and find a solution to her problem. After lunch, a coworker hangs around your desk raving about his personal crises. Suddenly, it's 4 p.m. and you're left with a number of to-dos on your list that you were sure you'd have finished by now, and you're dreading staying late to get them completed. Where did the time go?

Don't spend another minute struggling to get a hold of your day! With the tips, tools, and techniques provided in this one-hour time management training audio conference, you'll learn to identify the time-wasters in your day, eliminate the clutter that's eating away at your productivity, and prioritize your deadlines in a way that leaves room for those unexpected interruptions. This workshop will help you be able to implement what you learn immediately, and see positive changes in your work life as soon as you return to your desk.

What would your workday look like if you could minimize the stress related to ineffective time management — and how would your work life change with a renewed sense of control, purpose, and accomplishment?

This high-energy program will give you and your coworkers the skills needed to manage your time, maximize your effectiveness at work, and gain a renewed sense of control over your tasks and to-dos. Don't let yourself get buried underneath the piles of paperwork at your desk and e-mails in your inbox. Learn proven strategies and practical time management tips with this time management course that will help every busy professional work more effectively and efficiently than ever before!


What You'll Learn


  • Identify and overcome your unique set of time-wasters, including procrastination, socializing, disorganization, lack of direction, blurred focus, unwanted interruptions and more with this class
  • Eliminate the chaos and clutter of your day for a dramatic increase in productivity
  • Prioritize your to-do list from urgent to unimportant in order to complete the critical tasks first
  • Schedule your prioritized deadlines to fit your workday with time built in for contingencies and interruptions
  • Assert yourself and say "no" when necessary, while defining expectations and clearly communicating what you can do
  • Streamline your workflow in order to establish simplified work functions that help you achieve your goals more quickly
  • Put technology to work for you using Launchy, Quicksilver, Hyperwords, Autohotkey, Memokeys, Google® Calendar, Rescue Time and other applications
  • Select the appropriate tools or create your own for developing a paper-based time management system that works for you and your workstyle

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