NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

The Power of Simplicity


1 Credits



Do you feel that you're having to spread yourself too thin, and the pressure to be everywhere all at once is causing you to lose sleep? Is your caffeine diet and stressful lifestyle leading to high blood pressure?

Stop! And smell the roses …

If you hold any type of position of importance, are raising a family, serve as a volunteer, or care for others in any way, chances are you're spending a lot of time "juggling" to make it all work. Each responsibility you juggle competes for your time and attention, yet giving all your attention all the time to everyone else leaves little for yourself!


Here are 5 simply fantastic benefits you'll gain from this program …

  • Break self-defeating habits and destructive thoughts
  • Handle information overload
  • Cut your daily tasks by half
  • De-program your manic tendencies
  • Revitalize your important relationships

When you're finally able to implement The Power of Simplicity in your life, you'll have more time and energy to dedicate to strengthening the bonds with those who matter most. Stop juggling and learn how to live a happy, healthy, productive, stress-free, and well-balanced life!

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