NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

Microsoft Excel PivotTables Made Easy 2013


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In today's fast-paced world, do you have more to do and less time in which to do it? People are looking to you to decipher pages full of data, but do you really know how to spot trends and draw conclusions? Day after day, you input data hoping it will help produce positive results for your organization, and time after time you've wondered what other people do with all the data they collect. Wouldn't life be much simpler if there were an easy-to-use tool that could help you make sense of all those numbers?

Learn to quickly make sense of all the numbers and find out how one of Microsoft Excel's most powerful — yet least used — tools can turn data drudgery into conclusive reports and simplified analysis. Attend this powerful 1-hour Pivot Table training Webinar and discover the power of PivotTables.


Can you relate to the following scenarios?

  • You receive orders via phone, Internet and fax. You log all the orders into an Excel spreadsheet or Access database, but you can't locate where your top orders are coming from.
  • You manage inventory and you're never sure when your inventory levels reach critical low points.
  • You manage dozens of employees and have to keep track of different birthdates, health insurance plan expiration dates and upcoming performance reviews.
  • You are a sales manager who has just inherited a new territory and you are fishing for new leads.
  • If you're not already using Excel PivotTables to help you work smarter, you risk misinterpreting critical data, losing precious hours out of your day and getting left behind by the competition.

    PivotTables are the most underrated tool in the Excel arsenal. Many users are either afraid to give them a try or unsure of what exactly PivotTables do. They might sound complicated, but once you learn how to analyze data with these essential tools, you'll be working smarter and faster than ever before!

    Do you find yourself inputting data with no clear purpose in mind? Have you ever wondered what your data could say if you could turn it around and look at it differently? Don't continue trudging through data trying desperately to decipher it all; use the power of Excel PivotTables to read between the lines and manage your data more effectively.

    This Microsoft® Excel® 2013 PivotTables program will show you how to turn a long list of numbers into a PivotTable to make your data infinitely more useful. You'll learn what types of data work best, how to put them together and all the ways you can view them. Once you learn the three easy steps to create a PivotTable from any data, you'll be armed with endless possibilities to spot trends, create summaries and draw effective conclusions. In this one hour workshop, you'll discover the true simplicity of PivotTables … coupled with all the power that comes with them! Learn just how painless it is to use this translation tool, spot trends before they become problems and truly manage data more effectively than you thought possible! This Microsoft Excel PivotTables Made Easy course, brought to you by the creators of the award-winning "Unlocking the Secrets" series, will help you discover all PivotTables have to offer!


    What You'll Learn


    • Find out what all the fuss is about: learn what PivotTables are and why everyone needs them
    • PivotTables defined: Understand when, where, why and how to use PivotTable
    • Go from plain data to a PivotTable with three clicks of the mouse
    • Change your data in a snap with the drag and drop approach
    • Turn boring old data into stunning charts with one keystroke
    • Refresh your data seamlessly with one click of the mouse
    • Deposit just the right data on a separate worksheet ready for exporting or mail merging
    • Master the new Excel Data Model and navigate multiple tables with one click

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