NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

Modern Phone Sales Techniques


1 Credits



Successful businesses know that increasing sales, while controlling expenses and trimming excessive costs, is crucial in creating an organization that is competitive, profitable and growth-focused. However, traveling sales representatives can put a dent in your budget. Learn to cut back on sales expenses by bringing your sales force back to the phone for improved operational effectiveness — without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

Phone sales are making a comeback as organizations recognize that it's easier to manage employees, track commissions and project revenue if your sales team improves their phone-selling techniques. That's why it's more important than ever before to be up-to-date on the latest tips and strategies for developing client relationships and making sales over the phone. In this power-packed webinar, you'll discover how easy it is to train and motivate employees to achieve company goals and boost your organization's bottom line.


Increasing your sales team's phone-effectiveness will help your organization improve profitability and weather all kinds of economic turmoil. When making sales over the phone, do you worry about:

  • The possibility that your sales team won't push hard enough to overcome objections if they can't talk to their clients in person?
  • Ways to win business when you don't have the lowest pricing?
  • How expensive new phone sales technology can be — and whether or not an investment will pay off?
  • The best techniques for growing an account once the first order has been made?
  • How to stay in contact with customers who are not quite ready to buy?
  • The most effective way to get positive responses to voicemails and e-mails?

If you answered "yes" to even one of the questions above, you need to register for this one-hour telephone sales training webinar! You'll discover ways to improve calling processes, time-management strategies and professionalism practices that can boost your company's sales.

Don't spend another day struggling with sales that cost you almost as much as they bring in when our informative workshop can help! Learn strategies and tactics that will help you effectively — and creatively — implement a successful phone sales team, and cut the many costs of doing face-to-face business without negatively affecting quality or results.

It is possible to effectively and creatively increase sales revenue, while cutting down on overhead such as unpredictable airline fees, fuel costs and wasted time on the road. In just a one-hour course, Modern Phone Sales Techniques will teach you how to improve your sales team's performance, gain more clients and increase your bottom line — all without sacrificing customer satisfaction or overall business results!


What You'll Learn


  • How preparation is vital to discovering valuable opportunities
  • Key phrases and communication techniques that turn over-the-phone prospects into clients
  • How taking the time to listen and learn can build loyal relationships and secure more sales
  • Time-management strategies that will allow you to reach more customers hourly
  • How to leave an effective voicemail — so potential clients actually want to call you back
  • Inventive solutions for getting past gatekeepers and gaining access to the decision makers
  • Why it's important to tailor your closer depending on the client's personality type
  • And much more!

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