NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

Performance Reviews with Less Stress and Better Results


2 Credits



Communication between managers and employees is essential to the success of every organization, every team and every individual. When communication breakdowns occur, employee satisfaction decreases, productivity declines and team morale drops. To prevent this, managers and supervisors need to be prepared to deliver accurate and effective feedback to employees at all times; performance reviews are a critical part of this effort.

For most organizations, performance reviews occur annually. These once-a-year meetings are often dreaded by the manager or supervisor giving the review, as well as by the employee receiving the feedback. Yet, because of the critical nature of this annual meeting, it is important to both parties that the review is accurate, effective and geared to produce positive results.

So just what is it about performance reviews that makes them so loathed?

Performance reviews require managers and supervisors to set aside time in their busy schedules to try to objectively evaluate the performance of their employees over the previous year. For many of us, it's difficult to remember what we were working on last week, let alone what has occurred over the past 12 months. Although a performance review takes place only once annually, managers and supervisors can help alleviate the pressure and dread by using effective evaluation tools throughout the year.


Are you confident that you are providing your employees with the feedback they need to improve performance … or do you find yourself spending too much time struggling to communicate effectively and winding up stressed out and exhausted?

  • Can you effectively capture (in writing) the behaviors and actions that reflected positive and negative employee performance throughout the year?
  • Can you create an atmosphere that is conducive to an honest exchange?
  • Are you capable of dealing with employees who become emotional and/or difficult while discussing performance issues?
  • Do you know how to effectively communicate your expectations of an employee in a manner that gets results?
  • Do you have a process in place that allows you to accumulate feedback over time, rather than struggling to come up with it just before the review takes place?

If you've answered "no" to even one of these questions, you need to attend this program to simplify and streamline the process of conducting performance reviews … and ensuring they get real results! This powerful one-hour training is an investment in the success and improvement of your employees, your team and your management skills!

Don't continue drudging through performance reviews each year and suffering through the headaches and hassles. Sign up for this powerful and informative 1-hour class, and gain the tools necessary to keep your employees motivated, productive and positive while continually improving their performance!


What You'll Learn


  • Methods for keeping track of both individual and team performance throughout the year
  • Effective ways to communicate about positive performance areas as well as those that need improvement
  • Options for offering praise, recognition and feedback to clearly communicate your expectations to any employee
  • Ideas for encouraging future positive performance
  • How to deal with coworkers who become emotional during reviews
  • Strategies that encourage employee response and self-reflection to keep the lines of communication open
  • Techniques for discussing compensation and other money matters with discretion
  • Quick dos and don'ts to help ensure reviews are effective and painless

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