NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

Monitoring and Collecting Accounts Receivable


1 Credits


The task of successfully collecting accounts receivable is no easy feat. From monitoring account balances and following up on delinquent payments to providing quality customer service and making decisions that can make or break your organization, you clearly have a job that is both unique and complex. Are you consistently on top of your customers and clients or could you benefit from a few process improvements that get your accounts receivable on track and in order? Our Accounts Receivable training can help!

You're probably familiar with some of the struggles A/R professionals face. Whether you're trying to stay on top of countless accounts, dealing with angry or defensive customers or sending collections and follow-up letters, the task of monitoring A/R and asking people for money is never easy. That's why we've created this power-packed one-hour program — to provide you with invaluable tips, techniques and how-to's for combating common A/R challenges and simplifying the task of getting the money your organization is owed.


Are you confident that you can do all of the following?

  • Eliminate "stray" receivables buried in your mounds of accounts
  • Identify customer credit periods resulting in abnormally high A/R, which lead to bad debt
  • Understand A/R's relation to top line sales and the "lagging behind" effect of cash flow
  • Implement ways to overcome debtors' excuses and complaints
  • Recognize how accounts receivable management directly impacts your organization's bottom line
  • Minimize the stress and frustration caused from dealing with difficult customers
  • Address the challenges of your position head-on with proven tips and strategies

If you're unsure of how to accomplish any of the items listed above, you're not alone! Accounts Receivable can be one of your organization's most valuable assets if managed properly. With the tips, techniques and knowledge provided in this powerful webinar, you'll receive a simplified set of instructions that will help you learn how to monitor and collect Accounts Receivable in a way that improves your organization's bottom line and minimizes your difficulties in the process. Discover the keys to successfully getting a handle on your accounts, putting a system in place that lets you easily identify next steps for customers and turning customers into allies for getting the money owed to your business. In this workshop, you'll improve your organization's overall financial health — and maintain a positive attitude in the process.

The Monitoring and Collecting Accounts Receivable course will teach you the advantages of managing, monitoring and maintaining an accounts receivable system that yields real returns for your business.


What You'll Learn


  • Define A/R as it relates to the rest of the balance sheet
  • Understand the relationship between A/R, cash flow and profits
  • Discover the importance of monitoring A/R throughout your accounting period
  • Segment out accounts that are current, slightly past due or seriously past due
  • Develop "Payment Profiles" to highlight customers who are consistently late in payment
  • Identify customers who pay quickly to take advantage of prompt payment discounts
  • Explore ways to use your follow-up with overdue customers to your advantage
  • Build rapport with even the most difficult customers to get them on your side
  • Implement strategies that ensure your organization's method for determining bad debts is consistent

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